Supporter Gratitude Giveaway
We have reached over 1M pre-registrations worldwide for "SD Gundam G Generation ETERNAL"!
As a thank you to the many Gundam fans who have supported this work,we're giving you "SSR Unit Guaranteed Unit Assembly Ticket x1".
Claim it from the "Gift" menu after the start of service!
*This campaign is for regions outside of Japan.
Pre-Registration Bonus
Pre-register now to receive a notification on the day of the app release!
We are currently holding a pre-registration campaign! After the start of service, everyone will receive various gifts (up to Upgrade Materials and Diamonds for ten pulls) according to the total number of pre-registered users.
Don't miss the chance! Pre-register now and participate in the campaign!
- 100,000 users
Diamonds for one pull
- 200,000 users
Premium Unit Assembly Ticket x1
- 300,000 users
Diamonds for three pulls (four pulls in total)
- 400,000 users
SSR or Higher Unit Guaranteed Unit Assembly Ticket x1
- 500,000 users
Diamonds for six pulls (ten pulls in total)
- 600,000 users
Diamonds for three pulls (thirteen pulls in total)
- 700,000 users
Premium Unit Assembly Ticket x1
- 800,000 users
Diamonds for three pulls (sixteen pulls in total)
- 900,000 users
SSR or Higher Unit Guaranteed Unit Assembly Ticket x1
- 1,000,000 users
Diamonds for four pulls (twenty pulls in total)